
Jesus Bravo, PH.D.

MBA Professor

Dr. Jesus Bravo is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Management, Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship. In addition to his teaching role at WSU, he is also the faculty coordinator for the mentorship program. He completed his baccalaureate and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Illinois at Chicago in business administration. He conducts research on careers, mentoring relationships, fairness perceptions in the workplace, and organizational change.

Dr. Bravo has received the Emerald Group Publishing Citation of Excellence Award honoring the best and most highly cited research from the past 15 years, and was a recipient of the Best Accepted Papers award for the ONE Division of the Academy of Management conference, the Outstanding Reviewer Award given by the OB Division of the Academy of Management, Best Applied Paper Award, and the Best Symposium in the Careers Division of the Academy of Management Annual Meetings.